Sunday, April 29, 2012

TIE blog 2

Voice Thread Mission Accomplished! :)
After having to rethink of a different lesson and having to change a few things, I have finally finished using Voice Thread with my students.
I was not too sure how it would all play out, I knew my PreK class would be capable of doing it, I just was not sure how it would all be manageable. Of course my students needed instruction the whole time. I had the students in groups, and only used a few students to use the doodle feature on Voice Thread. I was thinking of recording the students but they were too shy and would not say anything so I had to take that off. While a few of the students worked on Voice Thread, I had the other students in their groups work on separate activities which of course kept them entertained and learning at the same time but not only that many times they would want to finish quickly and would ask if they can work on Voice Thread as well. Unfortunately, due to time I was not able to use a lot of students. I noticed they would take their time even if they were just doodling.
Overall, I think Voice Thread was a neat experience for my students as well as for myself. My students were very interested on what they were doing and I could tell they were enjoying it very much.

Here is the end product! :)

How would you be able to incorporate Voice Thread in a more efficient way in a PreK classroom?
Where you able to use Voice Thread with all students, if so how did you do it with time management? 

Friday, April 20, 2012

TIE blog 1

So many changes occured while preparing for our lessons that Rebecca and I were not able to collaborate together in the voicethread. My initial voice thread was going to deal with The life Cycle of Butterflies but in speaking with my CT, that was not going to be possible. So I created another lesson plan in which I would teach the student Ordinal Numbers. I've included the Bloom's Chart and the Pedagogical Implications chart.
Here is also the Lesson Plan that I have created.
I'll probably have one student from each group work on the Voice Thread while the other students work on an activity. I think it will be an easier way to manage the PreK class.

This is the storyboard of more or less what my Voice Thread will contain.