Thursday, January 19, 2012

Technology Integration Experience (TIE) Thoughts

Today we were presented with VoiceThread, I believe I had heard about it once but did not really understand it. Now that it has been explained I like the idea of having the students be a part of it. Society is moving to a world of more and more technology, most of the students already know very well how to operate a computer (sometimes even better than me).I remember when I first began learning to use powerpoint in a classroom, after that I found myself making powerpoint presentations for all my classroom oral presentations.Incorporating VT in the classroom will allow the students to explore an educational program and learn how to work with it, so that in the future they remember and use it for a classroom project. The students could use VT to work in cooperative groups doing a research assignment and then transferring all their information into to VT to share with the whole class.

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